Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Call Back. What Do I Do?!?!

Some of you may remember that I went to the NJRW conference back in October and got two partial requests for A Shot At Forever.

Last week I got an R&R (revise and resubmit) request from Cat Clyne at Sourcebooks. She had some very nice things to say about my writing and welcomed a resubmitting of the full manuscript once some editing was done.


Peeling me off the ceiling wasn't even an option for the first two days. I've finally calmed down and have been hard at work on edits (again).

Of course, this is the time when I start writing the curriculum for the outdoor environmental field days for my daughters' elementary schools. (The schools are split k-2 and 3-5 so I plan/organize two different days with two similar, but grade level appropriate curriculum, aligned to the state environmental and science standards.) It's a HUGE undertaking, to say the least. (Almost 400 students.) But I'm extremely passionate about science and the importance of outdoor education (which two years ago was taken out of our district's budget-the outdoor science ed. that is.).

So I'm stressed and torn and trying to focus on both with equal diligence. Which for distractable little old me is a major feat unto itself. Not to mention all the other stuff that goes on around Chez Quinn.

I need a Shockabuku.

Something to finally click in my brain that sometimes the things that I want should actually come first. I know that sounds terrible, but if you've been around here at Tongue In Cheek, you know I like to joke around, and I have an impossible time saying no. I volunteer way too much for way too many different places and people.

But how do you change the way you're wired? How do you alter those fundamental things that drive you and make you who you are? Questions for the ages, I guess. I know I've been asking myself those questions for what seems like ages.

So I've got to get back to work. The Oldest Urchin is trying out for the talent show today. (Guess who wrote the skit and made the costumes and got the music and took her to practice with her friend and. . .) Plus there's Girl Scouts tonight. Plus, plus, plus. You know how it is. I'm sure you're just as busy.

So how do you make time for what's important to you? I really want to know.


Carol Kilgore said...

It's hard, and I don't always succeed. The best thing that works for me is to do that REALLY important thing first in the morning. Even when all you want to do is drink coffee with your eyes closed.

Good luck!

Pat Hatt said...

Awesome indeed, congrats. I be sure i don't have to make time, have the stupid little crap done, cleaning etc, be ahead of the 8 ball, then I'll have time.

Delynn Royer said...

First, congrats on the R&R. That’s great! (And you also just reminded me how much I love John Cusack.) But to the question of finding the time, I sympathize. It’s a constant struggle to balance the demands of the job, family, friends and writing. (Notice I didn’t include housework on that list. I gave up on that a long time ago. In 100 years, who will notice?)

Liz Blocker said...

Ok, I just have to say, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!! When I was reading this post, I have to admit, I started thinking, "Science?? Skits?? WAIT NO! GO WRITE! FOLLOW YOUR DREAM!"

Ahem. It's possible this post may have hit a wee nerve with me. I'm learning - and it's slow and hard and I mess up a lot - that saying no, and taking time for myself and what I want and need, doesn't actually change who I am, or how I'm wired. I'll still be the person who wants to help, and wants to do a million things; I'll just not be doing quite as many of them. And you know what? I feel BETTER. I do. Does that sound crazy, or selfish? I don't know, but I'm learning that the more I say no and honor myself, the less stressed, happier, healthier I am, AND - and this is the kicker - I'm more able to give when I DO say yes.

So there you go. I hope that helps a little bit. Go work on that manuscript, and kick ass ;)

Crystal Collier said...


Okay, dropping cheese and backing away. Eat, write, thrive!

Sherry Ellis said...

That is so awesome that you got an R & R! I hope the editor likes your rewrites.

Ava Quinn said...

Thanks, Carol!

Ava Quinn said...

LOL, Pat! Thanks!

Ava Quinn said...

So true, Delynn. And just so you know, I was going to marry Mr. Cusack when I was in high school.

Ava Quinn said...

Thank you, Liz. You sound like you really feel my pain. I need to internalize all this advice and get on it!

Ava Quinn said...

Thanks, Crystal! :D

Ava Quinn said...

Thanks so much, Sherry! :)

Unknown said...

Good for you. I am sure you must be super excited. I know how hard it is to find some spare time but you will succeed.

Unknown said...

Woohoo and congrats!! I'm so delighted for you!! The most important thing to remember is that Cat wants your best, not your fastest. So don't freak out like you have to do everything in a month. I know people who worked on their R&R for 9 months or a year. Take your time and do it right. Good luck!!! :)

Cascia Talbert said...

How do I make time for what I really want to do? That is a tough question. I live by lists and my calendar. If it isn't on the calendar then it doesn't get done. I also try my best to schedule time for myself. But with five kids and two with special needs and a husband who is rarely home to help, sometimes I don't get as much "me time," as I would like. You will find the spare time you need. Have a great weekend!

Jemi Fraser said...

It is TOUGH to get it all in ... which is probably why I don't on a fairly regular basis. Something has to give and it can't be one of the necessities. Congrats on the R&R that's SOOOOO exciting!! :)

Ava Quinn said...

Thanks, Lilith!

Ava Quinn said...

Thanks, Lexa! You're a Godsend. How did you know that's exactly what I was doing? i don't think I could go 9 months, but thanks for pointing out the obvious that I didn't see. That she wants my best work. You ROCK!

Ava Quinn said...

Yowza, Cascia!! You're one busy lady. Thanks for them there kind words. I'm so glad you stopped by! :)

Ava Quinn said...

Thanks, Jemi. What you say is so true. :)

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